Nasz artykuł w Medycynie Weterynaryjej

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Nasz artykuł w Medycynie Weterynaryjej


W listopadowym numerze Medycyny Weterynaryjnej ukazała się publikacja pracowników TAZD – CBU “Wpływ statusu zdrowotnego zwierząt laboratoryjnych: myszy i szczurów na wiarygodność wyników badań.”

Peszynska-Sularz G., Zylko A., Muszynska-Furas B., Paradziej-Lukowicz J. Influence of the health status of laboratory animals: mice and rats on the credibility of research results

The study describes the influence of the health condition of laboratory animals used in experiments on the credibility and repeatability of research results obtained. It also presents a classification of animals into health categories depending on their microbiological purity: germ-free animals, specific pathogen-free animals and conventional animals. Detailed conditions which have to be fulfilled by animal quarters with a sanitary-hygienic barrier in order to keep specific pathogen-free animals (SPF) are also discussed. Moreover, the study describes general rules compliant with European standards for monitoring the health of laboratory animals, including a detailed register of detected pathogens specific for mice and rats. Numerous pathways of disease spread and their influence on the course of the experiment are pointed out. What is more, examples of the influence of contamination on animal biology and the results of experiments are presented. The table attached contains specific pathogens of mice and rats, which often significantly influence the course of experiments and should be regularly monitored. Pathogens which may cause zoonoses in people are also marked.

Keywords: laboratory animals, SPF, health status monitoring.